Fixed Gear Bicycles and Pressure Control

I’ve been riding my fixie quite a bit lately. I’m reminded of an idea I had a few years ago about how presure control is used in riding a fixie and how it is used in ski turns. If you could hook up a machine that could measure the pressure under your feet as you…

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Using This Technology

I ran across another site that seems to be dedicated to a similar concept as I have here. Actually it is probably more thought out and seems to be developed more as a business model. It’s called According to the site it’s been set up for snow pros who want to have web sites…

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The Age Thing, Perspective

So I’m talking to my about-to-turn-23 year old daughter, Rikki, this morning. She told me she thought it was funny she thinks almost the same exact thing about feeling like she was fit when she was 18 but now has to resolve herself to being too old to compete at the world class level. Really…

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The Age Thing, Physically

All my training is paying off, but slowly. I’m really starting to feel fit again with all my riding. The only problem I feel is knowing how fit I once was. It wasn’t so long ago that I was training as a serious athlete with a goal of winning a medals at Masters’ Track Nationals.…

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Generalist vs Specialty Skis

I totally agree with an article in September Ski magazine about having the right ski for the given conditions is best, “Put Your Best Ski Forward.” Since I usually have limited cash, I generally try to find a ski that will do it all, also known as an “all mountain” ski. But as the article…

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Rode Hard Today

I was on my road bike today for a 3 hour ride. Most of the time I was thinking about how much it will end up helping me when ski season gets started. I find the only real way for me to get in shape is to ride my bicycle and watch what I eat.…

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I’m Committing Myself

Okay, I’m committing myself to this new form of publishing. This topic of course is all about my skiing and my students. This message posts to this blog via email. Looking forward to sharing all kinds of stuff with you.

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What This Blog is For

I’d like to add an entry every day that I am teaching lessons at Monarch. My hope is to post my feelings about how lessons went and also post pictures that I take with my cell phone. Perhaps I can even post video’s that I take with my phone.Posting everyday would create a diary of…

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August and I'm Waiting for Snow

I’m starting to get anxious about this coming season. I’ve been riding my bicycle quite a bit. One of the main things I think about as I ride is that it is going to get me in shape for this coming winter. As an aspiring soon to be level 3 instructor being in shape is…

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First Post

Greetings! Just getting started here. Testing one, two, three. One, two, three testing. One, one, one, three, three, three, two, two, two testing.

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