The Tight Collar: The New Science of Choking Under Pressure | Wired Science

Here’s an article about a topic I mentioned in a previous post that referenced a 10 year old article. This one in wired is from September 2010 Very interesting discussion on the thought processes going on in athletic situations. Seems there is a “working memory” that if clogged with, or occupied by, unneeded info, is not as efficient as it could be.
For me this so relates to teaching skiing. Student attitudes play such a huge role in how they learn. I’ve seen huge differences in learning just due to what cultures where folks are raised.
Rick! I think I get it . . “Attitude is everything!” or maybe I’ve got it! Anyway, racing will be killer but I’m jones-ing more for the deep snow. We have to do the races and then head for CB or Telluride! ;b)