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Read MoreTest Post to Blog Named Rick Boucher
Still another test of Posterous. Posted via email
Read MoreWinter's Coming
Really looking forward to getting on the slopes again this year. Posted via email
Read MoreMovement analysis
The 09-10 season is almost upon us. This is going to be the year that I finally finish my level III certification. Only have to pass the Movement Anaylsis and Teaching segments. Really they go hand in hand. One is very much like the other. If you think about it, how can you properly teach…
Read MoreOne We’re Planning, Las Vegas!!
Here is a trip we are planning for later this month. Interbike (worlds largest bicycle industry trade show ( is one of our favs so just thought we’d make a trip on GeeGee out of it. This is how we’re planning on getting there. Not sure yet which way we’re gonna take to get back.…
Read MoreStuff that doesn't fit anywhere
This uncategorized section is where stuff goes that I don’t know where else to put it. It will also hold on to stuff that will eventually be moved to one of the other categories.
Read MoreDeep stuff
This is the category where I think I’ll share deep thoughts about life. Why we’re here, things that make me happy, things that upset me, things I wonder about. I’ll try not to make it too personal. Probably have to be careful in this section.
I’ve got a domain name and site that I’ve had for quite sometime. It’s gone through some variations over the years. Currently it is in a state of transition. I’m still not sure what I want to do with it, but one thing is for sure, the domain name gets a lot of traffic just…
Read MoreRikki is going to collegiate nationals
My daughter Rikki is going to collegiate nationals next week! She recently started school at Mesa State College in Grand Junction, Colorado. I told her she should get involved as much as she can in campus life, find others with similar interests to help her make her college experience a lifetime fulfilling experience. She got…
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