Ski Instructor Blogs

I’m starting to run across more ski instructor blogs. I added a new one today in my sidebar called Canadian Ski Quest. The blogger’s name is Mark Impey. It looks like he is certified with CSIA (Canadian Ski Instructor’s Association). What is interesting to me is reading the perspective of a Canadian snowsports instructor. I think I’ll have to read carefully between the lines but I think he is training for what would be called a Trainer Accreditation in PSIA. I think CSIA calles it Course Conductor. Not sure what that is. I’ll have to ask him and let you know.

1 Comment

  1. Mark Impey on December 4, 2008 at 3:52 pm

    HI Rick,
    Yes, i believe the CSIA Course Conductor Training is similar to the PSIA trainer acreditation. Once you qualify as a course conductor in Canada you need to take the training every fall if you want to continue in the Instructor certification business.

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